The Changping District has 21 kindergartens, 74 primary schools, 41 middle / high schools, 11 other public institutions, 4 colleges and 10 sub-campuses within it's boundaries.
There are also 18 national scientific research institutions, 16 major labs, 35 national and municipal level R&D centres and nearly 20,000 technical personnel including 203 talents from the Recruitment Program of Global Experts.
35% of the resident population of the Changping District hold a junior college degree or higher.
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View GalleryThe Hurunui District has 13 schools within it's boundaries. They all adhere to the New Zealand Ministry of Education's approved curriculum and have where possible provide access to resources and facilities to empower students regardless of age or ability. All schools work together for the betterment of each student.
Primary schools catering for children from year 0-6 include; Amberley School, Broomfield School, Greta Valley School, Hamner Springs School, Leithfield School, Omihi School, Rotherham School, Waiau School, Waikari School, and Waipara School.
Area schools catering for children from year 0-13 and those who have completed primary school include; Amuri Area School, Cheviot Area School, and Hurunui College.
Each school has a strong involvement with the rural community which offers a unique opportunity for students to have a school life balance that cannot be replicated in an urban or metropolis environment. The stunning location, fantastic facilities and high parental engagement enables students to benefit from their surroundings and learn in a non-structured environment.
A picture paints a thousand words. Gain an understanding of each district's diversity by viewing our collaborative picture gallery.
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