Deputy Mayor Marie Black

Deputy Mayor Marie Black attended the formal Rewi Alley 120th commemoration held in Honghu City and Hubei District, she also visited Changping District with the primary aim to further cement the school, youth and teacher exchange opportunities that exist between the two districts.

During the visit foundation links were established which are to become the spring board for schools to progress as timing allows. It is envisaged that in the latter half of 2018 a number of schools will be digitally connected with counter-part schools in Changping District Beijing. The opportunity exists to host within the Hurunui District a range of speciality focus student tours, including Art and Photography.

The collaboration between schools in the sister district project will be able to followed through the Changping – Hurunui youth website.

A further initiative is to integrate boutique tourism opportunity to utilise the beauty in the contrast of cultures between Changping and the Hurunui District.


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